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4. ROME-Eternal vs Modern
11. Eastern Orthodox
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WHAT IS TRADITION? ~ (2 Thessalonians 2:14)
Jesus commanded, "seek and you will find (answers) (Matthew 7:7) Also, (John 17:3), "This 'is' eternal life: that they may know thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent." And, "You must be perfect as your heavenly Father is perfect." (Matthew 5:48) How is that possible? How can we search into the infinite mind of God and become perfect?
Unless we search into these matters, we'll remain in darkness, and we'll never know what God requires of us. And how do we know how to identify "the truth"? The apostle St. Paul put it this way, "How then shall they (we) call on him, in whom they (we) have not believed? How shall they (we) believe him of whom they (we) have not heard? And how shall they (we) hear without a preacher? And how shall they (we) preach unless they (we) be sent, as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of them that bring glad tidings of good things!" (Romans 10:14-15)
We're not capable of directing our own footsteps without God's help. (Jeremiah 10:23) This was one reason Jesus gave Peter the keys of the kingdom on earth to teach the Church. (Matthew 16:19)
The only way to receive Christ's teachings is through His True Holy Apostolic Catholic Church out of the mouth of the Holy Fathers, the Popes. See page 5, EENS.

Method A: Indirect knowledge. All humans receive knowledge of any kind 'postnatally', i.e., after birth. We were all born with a clean slate. From birth, we are all virtually totally dependent on our parents for what we learn and how we turn out in life. Our parents are often the first to teach us how to read and write, then we send our children to school for more in-depth education, primarily because most parents are not well educated in all areas of math, science, grammar, philosophy, etc. So, parents must relinquish the further education to third party schools, read text books written by people who may not be Christian, even atheists. Children are often thrown into groups with other children who's parents are opposed to "conservative", especially "Christian" positions on things. These total strangers we're leaving our children's education in the hands of are often opposed to our views and eduation in the home. And if we don't go along with "mainstream" liberal thinking, we're often called "racist" and even terrorists. For example, during the entire "COVID crisis" the social pressure to be constantly tested and even vaccinated to go along with the system. And those who refused were considered enemies and hated their fellow man because of the fear of contamination causing those around us to die, even though the actual science now proves that less then .03% died from the virus and most of those was because of preexisting conditions. But in retrospect, those who knew this and refused to take the vacs, were ridiculed and treated like enemies of the rest of the population.
Method B: Direct knowledge. Parents who were raised according to Christian teachings usually have passed on their faith to their children, and to their children, etc. For the most part, this is how Christianity was passed down through the ages. Most didn't have Bibles a few centuries ago, and even today, most don't read their Bibles. Even though the priests and ministers of the Church can help the parents with some education along these lines, it's not the responsibility of the Church to educate Christian children in basis teachings on day to day matters. But ultimately, the knowledge of what's right and wrong comes directly from Christ through His Church through traditions that don't change with time. the faithful on matters of math, science, secular history, philosophy, etc., but by knowing right from wrong. It's true, as Peter wrote, "in them (scriptures) are some things hard to understand..." (2 Peter 3:16) So, Jesus sent forth teachers, prophets, evangelizers, theologians, and doctors of the Church to help. (Ephesians 4:11) But not just anyone can be one of these. Jesus gave this right to choose who are teachers and doctors of His Church to Peter and his successors. For many, this is very difficult to accept, especially today, in light of the condition of the "modern" Church, but this will be addressed on the next page, "Catholic". If you noticed the word Catholic has not appeared until now. There's a very good reason for that. Please continue to dig in.
"O the depth of the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable his ways! For who hath known the mind of the Lord? Or who hath been his counsellor?" (Romans 11:33-34) We can learn the wisdom, knowledge of and ways of God by our willingness to ask for help. (Matt. 7:7) It also takes devotion, dedication, and discipline to put time aside to take in this knowledge, because it is our life. (John 17:3)
Jesus also promised he would send "another" Helper, a Paraclete (John 14:26), the Holy Ghost, Holy Spirit, to teach by means of the His Holy Apostolic Church Christ established with Peter as the chief apostle, as its first Holy Father, "Pope", from papa, or "abba" in Hebrew. (Galatians 4:6)
Since the Holy Ghost proceeds from the Father and the Son, He (Holy Ghost) only transmits the will of God Himself. This is the same Holy Ghost (Holy Spirit) who quietly assisted in creating the heavens and the earth along with the Father and the Son, the same Holy Ghost who silently overshadowed Mary to implant the seed of Jesus into her womb, thus "immaculate conception" of Mary without having relations with St Joseph. This is the same Holy Ghost who descending upon Mary, the apostles, and all Christ disciples on Pentecost 33 A.D. with tongues of fire, revealing to them the deeper meanings of the truths Christ spoke to them, just as Jesus said the Holy Ghost would do. After that, all those who received the Holy Ghost began to spread the good news of who Jesus is and about His kingdom. This is what Jesus meant at (John 14:12) "He, (anyone who would believe in Jesus) would do works greater then Him (Jesus)". Jesus began with 12 apostles but it was His disciples who spread the gospel to the entire world converting countless souls to His Church.
The Holy Ghost also assisted in keeping the Church pure from heresies. (Matthew 16:18)
St Jerome: God saw to it that a permanent record of the history of the Church and His dealings with mankind, so we get a glimpse of His purpose and His will for us. He has given us writings of His prophets, ancient patriarchs, and apostles to prepare us for His second coming at the consummation of the world. After the first three centuries of persecution, the 37th Pope after Peter, St Damasus I, asked St Jerome in 382 A.D. to collect and compile these Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek writings into Latin Vulgate, the common language of the Roman Empire at that time. This was no coincidence since the Latin language is the most precise and accurate language known to man. Though it is called by most "a dead language", it is in fact, alive and will never change to time memorial. This is another reason the Holy Catholic Church continues to use it for the Roman Rites in the Mass and for Papal encyclicals and canon law. The Latin Vulgate of scriptures, the Bible, remained untouched and unchanged "immutable" until the 15th century when Gutenberg printed Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible. Until then, other then bishops and priests, no Catholics owned a Bible. They learned the gospel from their bishops and priests.
Immutable: (Unchangeable) What's curious and interesting is that after Bibles were printed and became available to individual Catholics, they discovered that what they read were the things their bishops and priests taught for centuries. How do we know? The Mass never changed for one main reason, and the very churches and cathedrals they help build were covered with carvings, statues, paintings, mosaics and stained glass all portraying Old and New Testament stories as they now could read for the first time in sacred scripture for themselves. How could they have known of these things unless they were taught, and then compared those teachings to what they then read in their own Bibles? That was proof the oral teachings of the priests handed down through the centuries was correct. It also proves the immutable, unchanged traditions span space and time immemorial.
But no sooner then Bibles began to be printed and translated in the vernacular, some took it upon themselves to "interpret" scripture, on their own without approval from the Vicars of Christ, the Holy Roman Pontiffs, the Popes. In the 16th century Martin Luther and other Protestants decided on their own to delete seven [DEUTEROCANONICAL BOOKS], from sacred canon contained in St. Jerom's Latin Vulgate sanctioned by Pope St. Damasus I and all Popes up until Pope Pius XII, who all agreed were divinely inspired. Protestants also deleted certain verses and words from the Holy Bible because it contains divinely inspired words that condemn Luther's new interpretations to support what he decided on his own to believe, such as the Popes are not infallible nor the Vicars of Christ. Protestants also decided to add verses, designed to conform to their "new" theology and doctrines. This was directly against Deuteronomy 4:2. "You shall not add to... or take away from...scripture".
Faithful Catholics continue to use Jerome's Latin Vulgate Bible (unchanged) in English, the "Douay-Rheims" version. (Click on pictures)
Even though God has promised that traditions of His Church would be protected against heresies according to (Matthew 16:18) the Church nevertheless must defend and protect itself from these heresies from infiltrating the Church. This is why Christ, the apostles, and the successors to Peter, the Popes spoke out against heresies by convening ecumenical councils to reveal these heresies and denounce them without changing doctrine or touching the sacred Holy Mass. So, it's fitting to speak out against Martin Luther (Lutheran), John Calvin (Presbyterian) , John Wesley (Methodist) , Roger Williams (Baptist), as well as all the leaders of these 40,000 Protestant Churches, that all teach things against the Catholic Church established by Christ and His apostles. Some of the heresies they introduced and promote are Arianism (Jesus is merely a creation of God Almighty and not God), Gnosticism (personal beliefs outweigh traditions of the Church), Pelagianism (no original sin of Adam and man can redeem himself), etc. All this has lead to a total abandonment of the Catholic faith within this new religion in modern Rome, which is now more like Protestantism then Catholicism. And this has been prophesied to happened and a complete abandonment of the Catholic faith by many leading them to become "lukewarm" as St. John warned. (Apocalypse 3:16) More on pages 3 &4.
The gospels, such as Matthew 24, speak clearly of the very things that have occurred since the turn of the last century; "World Wars", famines, pandemics, countless natural disasters like earthquakes all over the world, an abomination of desolation within the Church itself brought on by modernism and atheistic communism spread to the world since the Russian Bolshevik Revolution of 1917. Many wonder, “Are we living in the time of the end, the 'LAST DAYS'” Jesus spoke about in these gospels, and in Apocalypse, and many other scriptures. Jesus clearly spoke about "end times".
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This is the time to, "Seek while it can be found", while there is time. (Isaias 55:6)
Second Vatican Council 1962-65: What happened after Pope Pius XII died in 1958 and John XXIII who was selected to occupy the Papal seat of modern conciliar Rome? More will be highlighted about these sixteen documents of "Vatican II" on page 4, "Rome", concerning "ecumenism" (relaxing of EENS) and the introduction of a whole new "Novus Ordo Missae" in 1969 by Paul VI in his encyclical document, "MISSALE ROMANUM ON NEW ROMAN MISSAL". Paul VI required the entire Church to adopt his new Mass. Today, since July 2021, Francis, the new occupant of the Papal seat in modern Rome, abrogates the original TLM, "Traditional Latin Mass" in favor of the Novus Ordo Mass.
Many bishops and priests after Paul VI announcement of a Novus Ordo Mass were disturbed by His arbitrary invention, and decided to distance themselves from the "Novus Order" (new order) religion that now occupies modern Rome with a new Mass. These bishops and priests formed new groups called societies and fraternities. Some still consider themselves in union with the Novus Ordo religion in Rome along with the occupants of the seat of St. Peter, but they refuse to follow many of the new teachings coming out of Novus Ordo. So, some refer to these groups as "R&R", in that they recognize the occupants of Peter's chair since Vatican II as their Pope and yet they resist their authority to dictate what they (new groups) do and teach. So, Novus Ordo in Rome regards these groups as schismatic and outside the Church of Rome. On the other hand, other groups say the seat of Peter is vacant since Pope Pius XII, and they are referred to as "sedevacantists". (Seat is vacant) This in turn has lead to great strife, chaos and a crisis, NOT "in" the Catholic Church, but surrounding the Church.
Certainly Jesus words at Matthew 10:34 applies to families, but could it also apply to the household of God in divided these communities are from one another all claiming to be Catholic while at the same time being at odds with one another, continually criticizing each other?
Although these various separatist groups claim to have a similar purpose, "to maintain tradition and to continue the original Latin Mass", what is remarkable is that these various groups, all claiming to be upholding the true Catholic faith, have arrived at very different theological conclusions regarding the Papacy and salvation, and yet they all accepting various versions of "universal salvation", i.e., that individuals will be admitted into God's heavenly kingdom without having to be a baptized Catholic.
It is not the intention of this cite to point out flaws or speak for these groups, but rather to expose the situation and let the read decide. (More on page 4)
In the illustration in the picture above, Jesus is seen coming with a sword like a soldier in battle. Why? A soldier doesn't go into battle just to defend himself; he must also carry a sharp-edged sword to cut into the heart of the enemy; into false teachings of the enemies of truth and separate the false from the truth. This "sword of the spirit" includes the teachings of Christ revealed by His Holy Church with St Peter as His first chief apostle and Vicar (representative) and first Holy Father of the Church, (papa or "Pope") Jesus did this when He announced He was giving Peter the keys of the kingdom, giving Peter all authority in heaven and on earth after Jesus ascended to heaven. Jesus then commanded Peter, "if you love me", "Feed my sheep". As bishop (overseer), Peter was to see to it that all Jesus disciples were "Fed" or taught all Christ commands. (John 21:17) St Peter and his successors were given full "AUTHORITY" on earth by Christ to govern, not only the Church, by to be chief monarchs of the nations under God. Jesus said He would be with them until the end of time. (Matt. 28:20) When Jesus ascended to heaven, He sat on His throne as "Sovereign" of heaven and earth, to rule all the heavenly creation of saints and angels, and over the universal "Catholic" Church on earth. He also promised to send "another Paraclete, the Holy Ghost", the third person of the blessed Trinity, to teach, to comfort and guide the Church after Pentecost.
Catholics are the Church militant, fighting "against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places." Ephesians 6:15
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Jesus taught in plain words so all could easily understand. However, what He taught had deeper meanings requiring the help of the Holy Ghost and His Church to fully understand His teachings. Therefore, we must listen to the Church on what it has taught in matters of faith and morals, pray and meditate on the teachings of His Church to gain eternal salvation. John 17:3. He said we must seek, knock, and asking for God to guide us to find the truth. This is why He sent forth his apostles, disciples, saints and Holy Fathers to preach and teach His flock. "Be perfect"
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The Chief Apostle St Peter Began the Great Preaching Work Christ Commanded
Deuteronomy 4:2
"You shall not add to the word that I speak to you, neither shall you take away from it: keep the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you."​
What you read and see on this site come from two sources;
1.) Canon scripture; i.e., the 1582 Douay–Rheims Bible, translated directly from St Jerome's original Latin Vulgate of the 4th Century, re-affirmed by the Council of Trent, including all 73 books; and,
2.) Church tradition; both written and oral apostolic teachings. More on this throughout the site.
Why the Douay-Rheims? (click on picture below; it's well worth the time to read the small booklet)
Tradition - Scripture - the Church
"Therefore, brethren, stand fast; and hold the traditions which you have learned, whether by word, (orally) or by our epistle. (written)" 2 Thessalonians 2:14
Jesus sent forth His followers as apostles, as prophets, evangelists and doctors of His Church; for perfecting them all to become saints. (Ephesians 4:11-13) The Church has always taught that "tradition" includes both written (ancient scrolls & writings of apostles) and "oral" teachings of the apostles (preaching and teaching publicly). The written epistles of the apostles weren't distributed to all the Churches in the first few centuries. When Peter and Paul wrote letters to the early Churches; i.e., congregations or parishes, there were no copies to pass around. The way the faithful learned what the the apostles taught was by word of mouth. Few had access to any actual writings. After Peter and Paul wrote their epistles, they would go into public places and "speak" orally what they were "inspired" to write. It took centuries for even bishops and priests to have something to read. Even then, all they had were handwritten copies of Jerome's Latin translations. And this is also how Jesus taught; He preached publicly and taught His apostles privately; Mark 13:31, Mark 3:14, 16:15, Luke 10:16, Luke 24:47. Jesus didn't ask His apostles to write down His words out and then read from a book or scroll; not in Hebrew, Greek or Latin.
Eventually, Jerome's Latin Vulgate canon text of 382 A.D. was meticulously copied by scribes and monks in the centuries that followed under direction of Church Fathers; faithful Popes after the 4th century. Copies were passed on to bishops and priests. There was no need for every Christian to have a copy of these scriptures in their homes since few could even read, much less read Latin, outside of the priests and bishops. Latin was spoken by Jesus Himself as well as the apostles. Think about it; what do the letter inscribed by Pilate above Jesus head on the crucifix? "INRI", Latin letters for "Jesus, King of the Jews". Latin was also the language of the original Mass administered by Peter and the other apostles after Pentecost after the Lord's Supper. Because the Mass was formed in Latin, a dead language, it has never changed through the ages. The Latin Mass is still administered in the "traditional" Roman Catholic Churches around the world.
Think about it; for 15 centuries (Gutenberg printing press was invented 1455), how were Christians taught and guided without a Bible to read? As Christ promised, He gave some as priests, bishops and Holy Fathers; i.e., successors to Peter, Popes, to teach and serve the sacraments (the Mass) to the faithful in His Church. Centuries later, when Catholic families acquired their own copies of the Bible centuries after the printing press made enough, they discovered for themselves that what the bishops and priests of the Catholic Church taught them was, in fact, in full harmony with the original scriptures St Jerome compiled in 382 A.D. The only deviations from the original scriptures came at the hands of Protestants; i.e., Martin Luther, John Calvin, John Smith, and others. The Protestants eliminated all of the seven deuterocanonical books that were included in original canon scriptures.
Protestants also claim to believe "only" what's in scripture; i.e., "sola scriptura". If that's the case, which scriptures are they referring to; the original scriptures finally compiled and translated into Latin by Jerome in the 4th including the 7 deuterocanonical books or the new Protestant translations without these 7 books. Although Protestants recite the "apostles creed" many of them fail to grasp the fact that it was composed in part and adopted at the First Council of Nicaea (325) and revised with additions by the First Council of Constantinople (381) whence it was called the "Nicene Creed", not literally composed by the apostles but during the Council of Nicaea excerpts from apostolic tradition was incorporated into one creed the Church has been using since the 4th century. Again, this is called "tradition", not 'sola scriptura'. Within the creed has reference to the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost; the Trinity, but is the word "trinity" in scripture? No. Are the words "immaculate conception" of Mary written in scripture by the apostles? No, but in the creed it mentions "born of the virgin Mary". Protestants recite "I believe in the holy Catholic Church" yet they are no part of the very Church mentioned in the "Apostles Creed". The creed also contains the words, "... He (Jesus) descended into hell". Jesus actually descended into a part of hell (the place of the dead) where His faithful followers rested to be resurrected upon His coming, such as David, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, etc. Catholic Church tradition (oral and written by apostles and Fathers of the Church) teach that Jesus actually descended into "limbo" where these souls waited for the messiah Jesus to come. Catholic tradition also teaches about "purgatory". So, these words highlighted in blue are not included within canon "scripture" compiled in the 4th century, but they are included in Catholic tradition. Even many Protestants acknowledge these words in the apostles creed they recite.
Tradition - Scripture - the Church