Welcome to this "St Jerome" website. Before we dive into why Jerome was one of the most significant figures in in all human history, let's first address something up front to give context why this so important.
Think about; Everything today has been politicized, so let's start there.
People throw terms around like "liberal" and “conservative” with no real understanding of what these terms truly mean. In fact, these words have been conflated and turned into weaponized pejorative labels at one another for all the wrong reasons. Some say, "I'm 'fiscally conservative', yet 'socially amd politically liberal'. Does this make sense?
In simplistic terms, conservative means to 'conserve or preserve' what has always been from the beginning, unchanged. And yet what do we see today? There's a total abandonment of the necessity to maintain, as guardians, the continuity of our civilization and our culture, a culture founded on “katholikos” (Greek for universal) principles and laws established by the founder of our culture, Jesus Christ. Some of these founding laws and principles include such things as, “do unto others as you would have them do to you”, or “love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you”, and “judge not lest you be judged”, etc. These are universally accepted principles that people have been living by for thousands of years, long before Jesus walked the earth. How? Jesus was also called, the logos, the word. What He taught while on earth had already been established from the beginning. It was the logos who spoke to Adam in the garden, who spoke to Noah to build an ark, to Moses in the burning bush, to Abraham concerning his son Isaac,, and many prophets. So, the words He spoke and taught from the beginning were universal and apply to all mankind, not just Christians. Yet Jesus taught, “No man comes to the father in heaven, except through Him.” Therefore, to be truly “conservative”, one must adhere and maintain His words including all His commands and laws to acceptable to God.
In contrast, the term “liberal” means (dictionary) “a willingness to accept behavior or opinions different from one's own; open to new ideas.” In context of one’s own ideas vs those of Christ, a liberal position accepts behavior or idea even in contrast to Christ’s words and laws. Liberals are not bound by Christian principles or any laws of God. Liberal minded people regard their own views equal or even greater than God’s views.
So, think about it; in terms of conservative vs liberal, typically where do Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, and atheistic pagans fall?
True conservatives are those who adhere to the fundamental traditional Christian culture who accept Jesus as Lord, God the Son, the second person of the holy trinity, and who accept His Church “He” established on Pentecost in 33 A.D. with His apostles.
Let's dig into St Jerome and why he was so significant.
In 382 A.D. the historian, scholar, and Christian, Eusebius Sophronius Hieronymus of Stridon (modern Croatia), was a linguist in Hebrew, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin, who was called upon to translate all the original 73 canon books of the Old Testament and New Testament into the common language of the Roman Empire at that time, Latin Vulgate as sacred scripture, the"Holy Bible". The word, "canon", was first used by early Church fathers in the 4th century from a Greek word, "kanōn", which means "rule" or "measuring rod". Just as God established a law covenant from the beginning with His faithful patriarchs, prophets, and the entire nation of Israel, God continued also made a new covenant when HE established His Church at Pentecost in 33 A.D. with St Peter as its chief apostle. (Matt.16:18) Four centuries later, the 37th head of His Church, St Danasus I called on Jerome to compile and translate every word God revealed to man from Genesis through The Apocalypse written by the apostle St John in 95 A.D, and compile it as one book, the BIBLE. The apostle Paul wrote in his pastoral letter to Timothy, "All scripture is inspired of God". (2 Tim. 3:16) That's how St Jerome and all the early Church fathers viewed these canon writings, Holy sacred words of God. While there were many other great and wonderous writings of faithful men and women throughout the ages, only the original 73 books were incorporated into canon of scripture, by the early Church fathers. It is this book of God, the Holy Bible, that we can truly rely on for ultimate truth and authority, and only the original Latin Vulgate of St Jerome's is the most reliable translation. Jerome's Latin version was translated into English centuries later known as the Douay-Rheims translation. It is this English translation that are highlighted in BLUE throughout this site.
The material within this site is merely a depository, a "vault" of information from a lifetime of study and research and to store it here for reference. This is not intended to teach, promote or convince anyone of anything. Consider the information herein as like breadcrumbs leading to where this information came from and to other sources of information on these subjects. I organized it on a topical basis in a deductive manner. Questions are raised and information is put forth to address them to answer, such as:
1. Where did we come from? (There is also a 'science' page on this topic merely to compare)
2. Why are we here?
3. What does the future hold?
4. Why is there so much wickedness and corruption on earth?
5. Who has the authority to address these questions with reliable truthful answers?
The fundamental source of truth and authority on matters of "faith" and "morals" is the "Holy Bible". For example, on the matter of question, 1. "Where did we come from?",[Genesis 1:1] says, "In the beginning God created heaven and earth." - Moses, circa 1500 BC.
When you see highlighted references in "BLUE", click on these verses to take you that quote.
St John quoted Jesus as saying, "I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No man cometh to the Father, but by me." [John 14:6] Who else can claim to have absolute authority aside from Him? Even for Jews, to deny that Jesus alone fulfilled all 365 prophecies about the Messiah in the Old Testament, the logos, God's word and co-creator with God referred to in Genesis 1.
As the apostle Paul's wrote, there is but "One Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all, above all, through all, and in all." [Ephesians 4:5,6]
And the apostle John wrote, "This is eternal life: That they may know the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom God sent forth." [John 17:3]
These are direct and bold statements requiring faith in God and His words recorded by faithful men.
Scientists claim that there are over 100 Billion stars in our Milky Way galaxy and countless galaxies beyond this one. There's no way to know how many planets exist in the seemingly limitless universe. To traverse our galaxy alone would take thousands of years traveling at the speed of light, 186,000 miles per second, it that is even imaginable. Either way, it takes faith to believe God did all this or to believe all this happened by blind chance. See more on this on the "science" page..
While many prefer to be given a short pithy answer to these complex questions, but the fact is, there are no shortcuts or easy answers. One must be willing to take the time to delve into the source material, the Bible, and take it step by step from the beginning to achieve the desired answers on our own. No man can or should simply tell us what God has revealed through His prophets and apostles over a 1500 year period deposited into the only book with these answers, the Bible. And yet it doesn't require attending a university or a religious seminary to find the answers. But it takes discipline to do some homework. The answers are there in plain sight. How do we know? Jesus said, "Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you shall find: knock, and it shall be opened to you. [Matthew 7:7]
As the ancient prophet Isaiah wrote concerning God's thought; "For my thoughts are not your thoughts: nor your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so are my ways exalted above your ways, and my thoughts above your thoughts." [Isaiah 55:8-9] No man has the right or authority to interpret God's thoughts. Again, we can accept it or reject it.
Why search out God's thoughts? Simply stated, God's will is that all mankind should come to an accurate knowledge of God and be saved. [1 Timothy 2:3,4] God doesn't keep us in the dark, holding back vital information we need to be saved. All we need to do is "seek and ask" and God will answer.
The fact is, today there are over 40,000 groups or denominations in Christendom, all claiming to have the answers and accurate understanding of the Bible. In addition, many within these groups have come up with over 4,000 different translation of the Bible. Which one is correct when so many contradict the others?
Again, the apostle Paul wrote that there is only "One Lord, one faith, one baptism", and there was only one Church established at Pentecost in 33 A.D. [Romans 10:15]
The chief apostle Peter clearly pointed out what happens when anyone who does not have the authority from God to teach His words will twist and distort God's thoughts by teaching their own thoughts, resulting in their own destruction. [2 Peter 3:16] This is a warning to all who have not been authorized by Christ and His apostolic Church since Pentecost.
The question is, which one of these 40,000 Churches around the world has the right and more importantly, the authority to claim to be the Church Christ and His apostles established at Pentecost? To answer that question, we need to also study the history of the Church since the first century.
Think about it; Everything we've come to know and believe, was obtained postnatally (after birth), things we learned from family, friends, school teachers, neighbors, public figures, and even religious leaders. These same people were also influenced by other people, and so forth, as to how we think and live, especially on matters of faith and morals. And it's not that these people intended teach us or mislead us, but if they were mislead, then the cycle of misinformation and even lies has continues from generation to generation. And as well intended as some men have been, God has warned mankind, "Put not your trust in the children of men, in whom there is no salvation." [Psalms 145:2-3]
It's no wonder God has the prophet Jeremiah to write this, "I know, O Lord, that the way of a man is not his: neither is it in a man to walk, and to direct his own steps." [Jeremiah 10:23] For those who use God's words within the Bible, it's how we represent His words.
Let's go back to the Bible, how it got started and how we even have a copy of it today. Next page.