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Page 6
Blessed Virgin Mary
St Dominic - 1214 A.D.
Prayer of Christ
"Our Father in Heaven"
Matthew 6:9
Angelic Salutation of Gabriel
"Hail Mary Full of Grace"
15 Mysteries of the Rosary
Click on Rosary below
(If you want to print the document when you click on the Holy Rosary pamphlet, simply print pages on the two sides option, flip pages on long edge and staple together)
Choose Your Own Rosary
(Click below)
Rosary Chant
The Rosary is a chief weapon against Satan
Along with the sacraments and the Mass.
Rosary means "Crown of Roses"
Every time we say the Rosary, we place 150 white roses and 16 red roses on the heads of Jesus and Mary. These heavenly flowers will never fade or lose their beauty.
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