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HUMILITY of the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Father Francis Xavier Weninger, 1876 

"Mary hath chosen the better part, which shall not be taken from her." (Luke 10:42)


"Mary is exalted above all the choirs of angels." Thus, does the Church rejoice on the feast of the Assumption. Yes, Mary is, indeed, elevated to the most exalted degree of glory in heaven; for enthroned as Queen of heaven and earth, her place is nearest her divine, her beloved Son.


It is written of Jesus her Son: "God has exalted Him and given Him a name, that in the name of Jesus every knee shall bow in heaven, on earth, and under the earth, and every tongue shall confess that Jesus entered into the glory of the Father." This is also true of the glorification and honor of His most blessed Mother. He has elevated her and given her a name, that at the name of Mary every creature shall pay homage in heaven and on earth, and every tongue shall confess that Mary has entered into the glory of her Son. Jesus never left His Blessed Mother's side for 30 years before His ministry, not even during His years as a carpenter, which He did in one of the rooms in Blessed Mary's house she inherited from her father, St. Joachim. He obeyed His Holy mother completely and faithfully. 


​No other creature possesses such a share in the glorification of Christ, in heaven, as Mary; and why? Ah! it was because she stood nearest to Christ upon earth. And what, my dearest Christians, gained her this great grace? It was her deep humility. In other words: Mary descended into the deepest depths of humiliation by the perfection to which she carried the virtue of humility, according to the example and imitation of Jesus Christ; and in proportion to the depth to which she humbled herself on earth, Christ, on His part, exalted her throne in heaven.

The Immaculate Conception

of the Blessed Virgin Mary in St Anne

BVM's Mother

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Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary Nove

St Anne ~ Mother of Blessed Virgin Mary

teaching her to pray

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St Anne & St Joachim Presentation

of Mary at the synogogue 

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The Annunciation

of the Blessed Virgin Mary by Gabriel


Nativity of Jesus

Blessed Virgin Mary & St Joseph

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The Presentation of Jesus

St Simeon and Blessed Virgin Mary


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Blessed Virgin Mary

Child Jesus

Aunt St Elizabeth 

Cousin John Baptist

Uncle St Zechariah

Mary Jesus Elizabeth John B and Zacharia

Blessed Virgin Mary

Finds Jesus at temple


Blessed Virgin Mary

at the Crucifixion


Blessed Virgin Mary at

Jesus Resurrection and Ascension

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Blessed Virgin Mary Assumption


Blessed Virgin Mary Coronation

Holy Trinity in Heaven

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Blessed Virgin Mary

In ALL Catholic Churches

Since 4th Century

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